A Kits for Office Computer Room Environment Monitoring
Product introduction
In the modern workplace, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for employees is paramount. Office computer rooms, where critical equipment operates, require constant monitoring to maintain optimal conditions. By integrating the components of these IoT kits, offices can achieve a safe and comfortable computer room environment. Whether it’s adjusting temperature and humidity, improving air quality, detecting hazards, or preventing water damage, these kits offer a comprehensive solution to address various aspects of office environment monitoring.
Key features
- Edge Vision Gateway be connected to various mainstream cameras and achieve front-end computing through pre-processing algorithms, effectively improving recognition speed and reducing back-end computing pressure. It also integrates multi-frequency wireless transceiver units to enable unified management and uploading of sensor data and image data from various transmission line sensors through local wireless and wired communication interfaces.
- Temperature and humidity sensor is small and overall design simple. The internal integrated high-precision temperature and humidity sensor chip can accurately measure the ambient temperature and humidity data. It is transmitted to the gateway via wireless LoRa communication technology.
- CO2 sensor non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology can accurately measure environmental CO2 concentration. It is transmitted to the gateway via wireless LoRa communication technology. Sound and light alarm mechanism can remind people to evacuate in the first time.
- PM2.5 & PM10 sensor combines laser scattering technology with wireless emission technology, which can be used to monitor the concentration of environmental PM2.5 & PM10 and report data through wireless communication. Add the indicator light, you can intuitively understand the air quality of the scene. Realize remote data monitoring and management.
- Smoke sensor uses the photoelectric sensor technology to detect ambient gas and detect abnormal smoke caused by poor contact, aging circuits, or heavy loads of electrical equipment. Combined with wireless sensor technology, smoke alarm is reported in time to achieve the effect of safety detection.
- Door sensor is a device used for security alarm. It is composed of two parts: wireless transmitter and permanent magnet. It monitors whether doors, Windows and drawers are illegally opened or moved and reports the status of the device in real time.
- Water sensor consists of a water probe cable and a status collection host. Based on the liquid conduction principle and wireless emission technology, when any part of the water probe cable is flooded, the collection host will send an alarm signal, so as to effectively monitor the environment of water flooding.
Within the realm of IoT components, a variety of gateways and sensors are available, each catering to specific application scenarios. By aligning the choice of sensors with the specific demands of your application, you can maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your IoT solution.